"The King of the Park" by Marshall Saunders is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Eugene, who harbors a deep admiration for his long-lost emperor, Napoleon. Set against the backdrop of the Boston park, the narrative combines elements of humor and adventure as Eugene navigates his interactions with the local lawman, Sergeant Hardy, and various characters in the park, including the titular King Boozy, a cat with a royal demeanor. The opening of the book introduces us to Eugene, a peculiar young boy, as he has a humorous but serious conversation with Sergeant Hardy about his emperor and his disdain for school. The narrative cleverly intertwines Eugene's imaginative yet haughty outlook with his unfortunate situation—being alone in a foreign city without family. The sergeant, a friendly figure in the park, develops a curious bond with Eugene, while also introducing him to other characters, including the anthropomorphized animals within the park. This initiates a whimsical exploration of childhood, loyalty, and personal identity, setting the tone for their unfolding adventures and Eugene’s struggle against the idea of abandonment. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The King of the Park
By Marshall Saunders
"The King of the Park" by Marshall Saunders is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around a young boy named Eugene...
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About the Author
Margaret Marshall Saunders CBE was a prolific Canadian writer of children's stories and romance novels, a lecturer, and an animal rights advocate. She was an active member of the Local Council of Women of Halifax.
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