"The Flying Stingaree: A Rick Brant Science-Adventure Story" by Harold L. Goodwin is a science-adventure novel written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around Rick Brant, a curious and scientifically-minded teenager, who embarks on an exploration of the mysterious flying stingaree spotted over Chesapeake Bay, alongside his friend Don Scott and an intelligence agent named Steve Ames. As they delve into the enigma, they stumble upon local legends and the disappearance of a man presumed taken by this otherworldly creature, leading to a thrilling investigation. The opening of "The Flying Stingaree" introduces the protagonists as they navigate the waters of Chesapeake Bay in a houseboat named the "Spindrift". Caught in a storm, Rick and Scotty anchor in a cove where they witness a mysterious flying object resembling a stingray. This encounter piques their scientific curiosity, prompting them to investigate further, following clues that suggest a connection to recent abduction stories in the area. Their journey sets the stage for a suspenseful quest to uncover the truth behind the sightings, giving readers a taste of adventure filled with intriguing local lore and the promise of high-voltage excitement. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Flying Stingaree: A Rick Brant Science-Adventure Story
By Harold L. (Harold Leland) Goodwin
"The Flying Stingaree: A Rick Brant Science-Adventure Story" by Harold L. Goodwin is a science-adventure novel written in the early 1960s. The story r...
Harold Leland Goodwin was an American writer.
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