"The City of Pleasure: A Fantasia on Modern Themes" by Arnold Bennett is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book presents a vivid depiction of an amusement park called the City of Pleasure, showcasing the complex interplay between its founders, Josephus Ilam and Charles Carpentaria, as they navigate their ambitions and artistic visions. Central to the narrative are the mount of conflicting personalities, as well as the thrilling, and often chaotic atmosphere of their grand opening day. The opening of the novel introduces us to the bustling environment of the City of Pleasure on its inaugural day. The story begins with Carpentaria overseeing the balloon ascents, embodying a mix of excitement and determination. However, under the bright facade of this new entertainment venture, tensions simmer between him and Ilam. As the chapters unfold, we are immersed in their interactions, revealing a deeper narrative woven with themes of ambition, jealousy, and the pursuit of artistic integrity amid the spectacle. The first chapter builds a scene of anticipation as the characters and the city itself prepare for the energy of the crowd, setting the stage for drama that is yet to unfold. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The City of Pleasure: A Fantasia on Modern Themes
By Arnold Bennett
"The City of Pleasure: A Fantasia on Modern Themes" by Arnold Bennett is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book presents a vivid depictio...
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About the Author
Enoch Arnold Bennett was an English author, best known as a novelist, who wrote prolifically. Between the 1890s and the 1930s he completed 34 novels, seven volumes of short stories, 13 plays, and a daily journal totalling more than a million words. He wrote articles and stories for more than 100 newspapers and periodicals, worked in and briefly ran the Ministry of Information during the First World War, and wrote for the cinema in the 1920s. Sales of his books were substantial, and he was the most financially successful British author of his day.
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