"The Sacred Fount" by Henry James is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around a gathering of characters at a social event, where the protagonist observes interactions among acquaintances that hint at deeper connections and hidden dynamics. Notably, the book delves into the mysteries of personal transformation and the interplay between social stature and intellectual influence. At the start of the novel, the narrator arrives at a station in anticipation of a social party, keenly observing the other travelers, including a man named Gilbert Long. As they engage in conversation during their train journey, the narrator reflects on the enigmatic changes he perceives in their mutual acquaintance, Grace Brissenden, since their last meeting. The dialogue reveals an exploration of social perceptions, character changes, and relationships, hinting at the central theme of how personal connections can alter one's identity and social performance. The tension builds as the characters navigate their intricate social web, suggesting deeper narrative threads that invite readers to ponder the nature of self and influence within social settings. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Sacred Fount
By Henry James
"The Sacred Fount" by Henry James is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around a gathering of characters at a social event, ...
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About the Author
Henry James was an American-British author. He is regarded as a key transitional figure between literary realism and literary modernism, and is considered by many to be among the greatest novelists in the English language. He was the son of Henry James Sr. and the brother of philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James.
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