"Pattern for Conquest" by George O. Smith is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a futuristic setting involving interplanetary communication and military operations between Earth, Mars, and Venus, with a focus on the complex relationships between its main characters. The narrative introduces Stellor Downing, an ambitious Martian flight commander, and Cliff Lane, a Venusian counterpart, who find themselves entwined in a high-stakes mission that threatens the stability of their civilizations. The opening of the novel sets the stage for a tense and chaotic environment. It begins with Signal Officer Manley, who frantically tries to prevent unauthorized messages from being sent into space, highlighting the urgency and gravity of the situation. As the signal officer and his superior discuss the ramifications of their actions, we meet the Little Man, who represents a mysterious alien culture, as well as Patricia Kennebec, the daughter of the ruling figure of the Solar Combine. The narrative then shifts to Downing and Lane, who prepare for a mission that could either spell or avert doom for their worlds. The interactions among these characters, punctuated by mounting tension and impending conflict, lay the groundwork for an intricate tale of cooperation, rivalry, and the fate of interstellar races. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Pattern for Conquest
By George O. (George Oliver) Smith
Wikipedia page on this work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_for_Conquest
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About the Author
George Oliver Smith was an American science fiction author. He is not to be confused with George H. Smith, another American science fiction author.
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