"A Honeymoon in Space" by George Chetwynd Griffith is a novel written in the late 19th century. The book follows the adventures of Lord Redgrave and Lilla Zaidie Rennick as they embark on an extraordinary journey through space aboard the airship known as the "Astronef". This work is a blend of romance and science fiction, exploring themes of love, exploration, and the potential of human innovation. The opening portion introduces a dramatic scene aboard the American liner "St. Louis", where passengers and crew witness an unprecedented eventāthe appearance of the airship "Astronef" against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. Lord Redgrave greets the ship's captain, sharing that he is embarking on a trial trip across the Atlantic, which evolves into a much grander journey through the Solar System. The tension mounts as Redgrave's attention turns toward Zaidie, who is under the protection of a chaperon, Mrs. Van Stuyler, and their destinies intertwine amid the backdrop of political tensions and impending war. As Redgrave seeks to protect Zaidie and make her his, the narrative sets the stage for a thrilling adventure filled with unexpected twists and the exploration of other worlds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Honeymoon in Space
By George Chetwynd Griffith
"A Honeymoon in Space" by George Chetwynd Griffith is a novel written in the late 19th century. The book follows the adventures of Lord Redgrave and L...
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About the Author
George Chetwynd Griffith-Jones was a British writer. He was active mainly in the science fiction genreāor as it was known at the time, scientific romanceāin particular writing many future-war stories and playing a significant role in shaping that emerging subgenre. For a short period of time, he was the leading science fiction author in his home country both in terms of popularity and commercial success.
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