"The Message" by Louis Tracy is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set against the backdrop of yachting at Cowes, where the main character, Arthur Warden, engages in a seemingly innocent encounter with a young woman named Evelyn Dane. However, their interactions soon become intertwined with darker elements, including the appearance of the notorious Portuguese slave trader Miguel Figuero and sinister connections to West Africa. At the start of the book, Warden finds himself captivated by the beauty of Cowes and the activities surrounding its regatta week. He engages in lighthearted banter with a local tradesman, illustrating his charismatic nature. The narrative escalates when he encounters Evelyn, who seeks his help in locating a yacht. Their slight flirtation is interrupted by Warden’s unsettling recognition of Figuero, prompting a complex blend of intrigue and potential danger as the story unfolds, hinting at deeper mysteries involving the enigmatic calabash they discover that carries a message from a tumultuous past. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Message
By Louis Tracy
"The Message" by Louis Tracy is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set against the backdrop of yachting at Cowes, where the main ...
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About the Author
Louis Tracy (1863–1928) was a British journalist, and prolific writer of fiction. He used the pseudonyms Gordon Holmes and Robert Fraser, which were at times shared with M. P. Shiel, a collaborator from the start of the twentieth century.
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