"The Old Homestead" by Ann S. Stephens is a novel depicting life in New England during the mid-19th century. The story centers on Mary Fuller, a young girl whose father has recently passed away in a destitute state, leaving her to navigate the challenges of poverty and an uncertain future alone. The narrative explores themes of family, faith, and the resilience of the human spirit amidst hardship. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Mary Fuller, who anxiously awaits the return of her ailing father from the hospital. Living in a desolate attic, the child embodies both innocence and strength as she grapples with her circumstances. The scene is filled with poignant imagery of her lonely vigil, revealing her deep longing for her father's presence while also exposing the emotional and physical struggles she faces as a result of their dire home life. Through her prayers and faith, Mary clings to hope, demonstrating a powerful juxtaposition between her fragile existence and unwavering spirit, setting the tone for the unfolding drama around familial bonds and societal challenges. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Old Homestead
By Ann S. (Ann Sophia) Stephens
"The Old Homestead" by Ann S. Stephens is a novel depicting life in New England during the mid-19th century. The story centers on Mary Fuller, a young...
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About the Author
Ann Sophia Stephens was an American novelist and magazine editor. She was the author of dime novels and is credited as the progenitor of that genre.
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