"The Pony Rider Boys in Montana; Or, The Mystery of the Old Custer Trail" by Frank Gee Patchin is a novel written in the early 20th century. This adventurous tale follows a group of boys, led by Tad Butler, on a thrilling journey through Montana as they seek to explore the old Custer Trail while possibly getting involved in local challenges, including facing real dangers. This installment continues the exploits of the Pony Rider Boys, who have already experienced notable adventures in previous tales featuring trails, cattle, and wild encounters. The opening of the story introduces Tad Butler and his friends as they disembark from a train in Forsythe, Montana. The boys, eager to set out on their next adventure, are met by a banker who informs them about the local sheep ranching scene and hints at the presence of profitable sheep drives. As they prepare to purchase ponies and begin their exploration, they exhibit typical camaraderie and lively banter among themselves. However, their spirits boost upon hearing tales of potential dangers from the area, including errant Indians, setting the stage for the adventures and mishaps that will follow as they navigate the wilderness and face both natural challenges and the mysterious threats to ranchers in the region. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Pony Rider Boys in Montana; Or, The Mystery of the Old Custer Trail
By Frank Gee Patchin
"The Pony Rider Boys in Montana; Or, The Mystery of the Old Custer Trail" by Frank Gee Patchin is a novel written in the early 20th century. This adve...
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About the Author
Frank Gee Patchin (1861–1925) was an American author of children's books. He was born in Wayland, New York. He is known for his series Battleship Boys and Pony Rider Boys. Patchin published more than 200 adventure books, many using various pseudonyms including Victor Durham and Jessie Graham Flower. He also wrote for the Edward Stratemeyer Syndicate.
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