"The Pride of Palomar" by Peter B. Kyne is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around themes of heritage, loss, and the poignant beauty of life in old California, particularly through the eyes of its central character, Michael Joseph Farrel, known as Don Mike, who is navigating the aftermath of World War I. The narrative explores his return to California following the tragic news of his father's death and the implications of changing times on traditional ranch life. The opening of the novel introduces us to the elderly Pablo Artelan, the majordomo of Rancho Palomar, who is plagued with anxiety as he waits for Don Mike, who has been away at war. Old Don Miguel Farrel, Pablo’s employer, shows concern for Pablo's state of mind as they discuss the absence of quail during the dry season, which serves as a metaphor for what Don Mike will face upon his return. Soon, a telegram arrives bearing tragic news: Don Mike has died in battle. Yet, unbeknownst to them, Don Mike returns, creating a layered drama steeped in emotional conflicts and rich local color, setting the stage for personal and societal change in a California grappling with its history and future. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Pride of Palomar
By Peter B. (Peter Bernard) Kyne
"The Pride of Palomar" by Peter B. Kyne is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around themes of heritage, loss, and the poig...
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About the Author
Peter Bernhard Kyne was an American novelist who published between 1904 and 1940. He was born and died in San Francisco, California. Many of his works were adapted into screenplays starting during the silent film era, particularly his first novel, The Three Godfathers, which was published in 1913 and proved to be a huge success. More than 100 films were adapted from his works between 1914 and 1952, many of the earliest without consent or compensation. Kyne created the character of Cappy Ricks in a series of novels.
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