"The Birds' Christmas Carol" by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin is a heartwarming children's novel written in the late 19th century. Set during the festive Christmas season, the story unfolds the life of a little girl named Carol Bird, whose birthday coincides with Christmas Day. The narrative explores themes of love, generosity, and the spirit of giving, particularly as Carol's joy is intertwined with the celebration of Christmas and her compassion for those around her, especially less fortunate children. The storyline follows Carol Bird, who, despite being a frail child often confined to her home due to illness, radiates kindness and cheerfulness. As she celebrates her birthday and Christmas over the years, Carol develops a desire to share her happiness. In a heartfelt act of kindness, she decides to host a Christmas dinner for the impoverished Ruggles family, inviting their nine lively children to join her for a festive feast filled with gifts and joy. The culmination of Carol's story comes as she peacefully passes away on the night of her birthday, surrounded by the love she so freely shared, leaving her family and friends reflective on the profound impact of her life and spirit. Through this touching narrative, the author conveys powerful messages of compassion and the true meaning of Christmas. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Birds' Christmas Carol
By Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
"The Birds' Christmas Carol" by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin is a heartwarming children's novel written in the late 19th century. Set during the festive ...
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About the Author
Kate Douglas Wiggin was an American educator, author and composer. She wrote children's stories, most notably the classic children's novel Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, and composed collections of children's songs. She started the first free kindergarten in San Francisco in 1878. With her sister during the 1880s, she also established a training school for kindergarten teachers. Kate Wiggin devoted her adult life to the welfare of children in an era when children were commonly thought of as cheap labor.
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