"Failure on Titan" by Robert Abernathy is a science fiction novel written during the mid-20th century, specifically in the post-World War II era. The book explores themes of control, rebellion, and the complexities of synthetic obedience in a distant future where humanity exploits a genetically engineered slave race known as the Woollies on the Saturnian moons. Tensions escalate when a Woolly kills a human, shaking the foundations of the social order and leading to unforeseen consequences for both humans and the sentient beings they dominate. The story revolves around Big Bill, one of the Woollies who serves in a mining operation on the moon Phoebe. When news of a Woolly killing a man causes widespread panic among colonists across Saturn, the power dynamics within this society begin to unravel. The plot intensifies as Paul Gedner, the human overseer who seeks to manipulate both the Woollies and his fellow workers to achieve power, engages in a series of deadly machinations. He must confront the consequences of his actions, particularly when Big Bill becomes a key player in a struggle fueled by jealousy and rebellion. Ultimately, the book weaves a dark tale of ambition and the quest for power, raising questions about autonomy, humanity, and the ethical implications of enslavement. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Failure on Titan
By Robert Abernathy
"Failure on Titan" by Robert Abernathy is a science fiction novel written during the mid-20th century, specifically in the post-World War II era. The ...
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About the Author
Robert Abernathy was an American science fiction author during the 1940s and 1950s. He was known primarily for his short stories which were published in many of the pulp magazines that flourished during the Golden Age of Science Fiction. Many of his stories have been included in anthologies of classic science fiction such as the French Les Vingt Meilleurs RĂ©cits de science-fiction edited by Hubert Juin.
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