"The Mill House Mystery" by Florence Warden is a fictional novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in the picturesque town of Dourville and centers around Sir Robert Hadlow, a baronet whose life takes a dramatic turn after he rescues a young woman named Rhoda Pembury from a near-fatal bicycle accident. The narrative hints at deeper tensions as Rhoda navigates feelings of admiration for Sir Robert while grappling with the unsettling dynamics of a household poised for a looming marriage to Lady Sarah, a beautiful but frivolous woman. At the start of the novel, readers are introduced to a tranquil summer day in Dourville, quickly disrupted by the accident that brings Rhoda into Sir Robert's life. As he heroically intervenes to save her, the scene reveals Sir Robert's gentle character and hints at a complicated future. Convalescing in the Mill House, Rhoda's admiration for her rescuer grows, but she soon discovers the emotional complexities of Sir Robert's impending marriage to Lady Sarah. The opening chapters intricately weave together themes of loyalty, romantic admiration, and foreshadow the conflicts that arise from social expectations and personal ambitions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The mill house mystery
By Florence Warden
"The Mill House Mystery" by Florence Warden is a fictional novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in the picturesque town of Dourvi...
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About the Author
Florence Warden was an English actress and writer, who wrote many novels under her stage name, her name at birth being Florence Alice Price and her married name Mrs G. E. James.
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