"A Topsy-Turvy Christmas" by Elizabeth F. Guptill is a humorous play intended for children's entertainment, likely written in the early 20th century. Set in a fantastical world called Topsy Turvy Land, where ordinary rules and norms are turned upside down, the play explores themes of childhood rebellion against authority and the desire for freedom from societal constraints. The performances about the holidays aim to entertain and teach lessons about the importance of appreciating one’s home and family. The storyline follows two children, Frank and Alice, who become fed up with always having to mind the rules set by adults and set out to discover a place where children can be free. They are led to Topsy Turvy Land by a fairy, where everything is delightfully absurd—parents act like children and typical expectations are reversed. As they engage with the peculiar inhabitants, including the whimsical Clanty Sauce and others, they experience a topsy-turvy Christmas filled with amusing encounters and lessons that ultimately lead them to appreciate their own lives and rules. After their misadventures, they joyfully return to their reality, resolved to be more grateful for their families and the structured world around them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Topsy-Turvy Christmas
By Elizabeth F. (Elizabeth Frances) Guptill
"A Topsy-Turvy Christmas" by Elizabeth F. Guptill is a humorous play intended for children's entertainment, likely written in the early 20th century. ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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