"A Secret Inheritance" by B. L. Farjeon is a fictional novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around Gabriel Carew and his complicated relations with his family, particularly surrounding the tragic death of his brother, Eric, and the subsequent accusations against Emilius, who claims he is innocent. As the narrative unfolds, it reveals themes of jealousy, love, guilt, and the weight of familial expectations that lead to dire consequences. The opening of the novel sets up a tense investigation led by a magistrate who interrogates Emilius regarding his brother's death, revealing the complexities of their relationship and the emotional turmoil involved. Through a series of conversations, we learn about the magistrate's firm belief in Emilius's guilt despite being urged by Dr. Louis to consider the man's character and the history between the brothers. The scene is charged with an atmosphere of mystery and foreboding, pointing to deeper secrets within the family that may have tragic implications. Ultimately, the opening portion introduces us to a world fraught with inherited burdens and the shadow of past actions, establishing the foundation for the drama and intrigue that is likely to follow. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Secret Inheritance (Volume 3 of 3)
By B. L. (Benjamin Leopold) Farjeon
"A Secret Inheritance" by B. L. Farjeon is a fictional novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around Gabriel Carew and his complica...
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About the Author
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon was an English novelist, playwright, printer and journalist. As an author, he was known for his huge output.
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