"Uncle Wiggily's Automobile" by Howard Roger Garis is a children's book composed of charming, whimsical stories centered around the adventures of the titular character, Uncle Wiggily Longears, written in the early 20th century. This delightful series is tailored for young readers and features a friendly, anthropomorphic rabbit who embarks on various escapades with a cast of animal friends, showcasing themes of kindness, helpfulness, and fun. The opening of the story introduces Uncle Wiggily, who is advised by Dr. Possum to take a trip in his automobile for exercise and health reasons, as he has been feeling unwell and getting too fat. On his journey, he encounters Mr. Caw-caw, a sorrowful crow whose worries seem to overshadow his day. After offering the crow a ride in his unique vehicle, which amusingly features a turnip as a steering wheel and sausage tires, they find themselves dealing with a minor mishap when the automobile breaks down. This sets the stage for their adventure, as they meet engaging characters and resolve unexpected challenges along the way. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Uncle Wiggily's Automobile
By Howard Roger Garis
"Uncle Wiggily's Automobile" by Howard Roger Garis is a children's book composed of charming, whimsical stories centered around the adventures of the ...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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Larry Dexter's Great Search; Or, The Hunt for the Missing Millionaire
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