"The Phantom Town Mystery" by Carol Norton is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a desert setting in Arizona and centers around four young characters: Mary Moore, Dora Bellman, Dick Farley, and the cowboy Jerry Newcomb. The narrative hints at a thrilling mystery involving an old hermit named Sven Pedersen, also known as "Lucky Loon," and his long-lost sister, Bodil. As the characters explore their surrounding ghost town and mountains, they become intrigued by the eerie tales and mysteries that the area has to offer, setting the stage for an adventurous plot. At the start of the book, the four friends enjoy a horseback excursion in the desert when they discover an ancient, mysterious rock house associated with Sven Pedersen. Their excitement builds as they hear tales of past tragedies and treasures linked to the hermit and his sister. The girls express interest in the legend of the "Evil Eye Turquoise," while the boys recount the history of the ghost town and the oddities surrounding it. Meanwhile, they also touch upon the fates of a poor family that has recently settled nearby. The blend of adventure and mystery in the opening chapters invites readers into a world filled with suspense and curiosity, as the characters prepare to delve deeper into the secrets of their surroundings. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Phantom Town Mystery
By Carol Norton
"The Phantom Town Mystery" by Carol Norton is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in a desert setting in Arizona and centers ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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