"The Pedler of Dust Sticks" by Eliza Lee Cabot Follen is a literary work that resembles a moral tale or fable, likely written in the early to mid-19th century. The story revolves around the life of a young boy named Henry, who begins his journey as a poor pedler selling dust sticks and canes in Hamburg, Germany. Through his industriousness, perseverance, and integrity, Henry overcomes numerous challenges and ultimately rises to prominence and wealth. The narrative follows Henry from his childhood, where he displays a commendable work ethic and a thirst for knowledge, all the way to adulthood, where he becomes a successful entrepreneur. Along the way, he confronts temptations such as gambling but learns valuable lessons about honesty and virtue. His dedication extends to his love for his family, particularly his future wife, Agatha. The story not only captures his personal growth but also highlights themes of kindness, charity, and the importance of hard work, painting an inspiring picture of a man dedicated to lifting himself and the people around him. Ultimately, Henry's character embodies generosity and integrity, rendering him a beloved figure among his contemporaries. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Pedler of Dust Sticks
By Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
"The Pedler of Dust Sticks" by Eliza Lee Cabot Follen is a literary work that resembles a moral tale or fable, likely written in the early to mid-19th...
Eliza Lee Cabot Follen was an American writer, editor, and abolitionist. In her early life, she contributed various pieces of prose and poetry to papers and magazines. In 1828, she married Prof. Charles Follen, who died on board the Lexington in 1840. During her married life, she published a variety of popular and useful books, all of which were characterized by her Christian piety. Among the works she gave to the press are, Selections from Fénelon, The Well-spent Hour, Words of Truth, The Sceptic, Married Life, Little Songs, Poems, Life of Charles Follen, Twilight Stories, Second Series of Little Songs, as well as a compilation of Home Dramas, and German Fairy Tales. Holding an interest in the religious instruction of the young, she edited, in 1829, the Christian Teacher's Manual, and, from 1843 to 1850, the Child's Friend. She died in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1860.