"Tempest and Sunshine" by Mary Jane Holmes is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set in Kentucky, the story begins with the arrival of a young man named Richard Wilmot who has come from New York in search of a teaching position. The narrative introduces various characters, including the Middleton family, particularly the contrasting sisters Julia and Fanny, whose dynamic personalities promise to create an engaging emotional landscape. The opening of the book establishes Wilmot’s arrival in a small Kentucky town and introduces the local social fabric, characterized by the curiosity and hospitality of its residents. As Wilmot encounters the quirky and hospitable Middleton family, the reader gets a glimpse of the sisters' distinct personalities—Julia, deemed "Tempest," and Fanny, referred to as "Sunshine." The initial chapters set up a blend of cultural differences, rustic charm, and familial bonds, hinting at romantic entanglements and social challenges that may arise, particularly as Wilmot grows intrigued by the spirited yet complex Julia and her charming sister. This foundation creates an atmosphere rife with potential conflict and development as the story unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Tempest and Sunshine
By Mary Jane Holmes
"Tempest and Sunshine" by Mary Jane Holmes is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set in Kentucky, the story begins with the arrival of a young...
Mary Jane Holmes was an American author who published 39 novels, as well as short stories. Her first novel sold 250,000 copies; and she had total sales of 2 million books in her lifetime, second only to Harriet Beecher Stowe. Her books included: "Tempest and Sunshine" (1854), "English Orphans" (1855), "Homestead on the Hillside" (1855), "Lena Rivers" (1856), "Meadow Brook" (1857), "Dora Deane" (1858), "Cousin Maude" (1860), "Marian Gray" 186^, "Hugh Worthington" (1864), "Cameron Vide" (1867). "Rose Mather" (1868), "Ethelyn’s Mistake" (1869), "Edna Browning" (1872), "Mildred" (1877), "Forest House" (1879), "Daisy Thornton," "Queenie Hetherton" (1883), "Christmas Stories" (1884), "Bessie's Fortune" (1885). "Gretchen" (1887), "Marguerite" (1891).