"March Hares" by Harold Frederic is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows David Mosscrop as he navigates his thirtieth birthday with feelings of despair and self-reflection while encountering a young woman named Vestalia Peaussier on Westminster Bridge. Their meeting sparks a connection that challenges both of their perspectives on life, suggesting themes of hope, social class, and the complexity of human relationships. The opening of "March Hares" sets an introspective tone as David initially grapples with a sense of failure and existential dread on his birthday. He contemplates the meaning of his existence while people-watching on the bridge, feeling a connection to the lives of the passersby. When he spots Vestalia, a woman he recognizes from the British Museum, there is a moment of intrigue that soon blossoms into a light-hearted and flirtatious exchange. Their conversational chemistry reveals Vestalia's struggles, as she is temporarily without a home, and highlights David's emerging interest in her welfare. This dynamic sets the stage for an exploration of their respective challenges and the potential for change in their lives, all while lending a sense of warmth and optimism to their fateful encounter. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
March Hares
By Harold Frederic
"March Hares" by Harold Frederic is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows David Mosscrop as he navigates his thirtieth birthday ...
Harold Frederic was an American journalist and novelist. His works include In the Valley (1890), The Damnation of Theron Ware (1896), and The Market Place (1899).
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