"Tom Slade with the Colors" by Percy Keese Fitzhugh is a novel written in the early 20th century. This work follows Tom Slade, a young scout, as he grapples with his sense of duty and bravery amid the backdrop of World War I. Tom's internal conflict about wanting to enlist while respecting a promise to his scoutmaster highlights themes of patriotism, courage, and personal growth. The opening of the story establishes Tom's strong sense of loyalty, especially to his troop and his scoutmaster, Mr. Ellsworth. Despite his frustrations with his perceived failures as a scout and a desire to join the military efforts, Tom is warned about the importance of fulfilling his role at home. As he wrestles with his feelings of inadequacy and the weight of responsibility, Tom receives a reminder from Mr. Ellsworth about the value of patience and duty. This groundwork sets the stage for his eventual journey to rescue Roscoe Bent, a fellow scout who has fled from his responsibilities under the draft. Tom's adventure begins as he navigates both physical and moral challenges on his quest to bring Roscoe back and rectify their situation. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Tom Slade with the Colors
By Percy Keese Fitzhugh
"Tom Slade with the Colors" by Percy Keese Fitzhugh is a novel written in the early 20th century. This work follows Tom Slade, a young scout, as he gr...
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About the Author
Percy Keese Fitzhugh was an American writer of nearly 100 books for children and young adults.
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