"Twilight Land" by Howard Pyle is a collection of fantasy tales written during the late 19th century. The narrative transports readers to a magical realm where a mysterious protagonist encounters famous figures from folklore and fairy tales, such as Mother Goose, Aladdin, and Cinderella, who all gather to share their stories. At the start of the book, the narrator finds himself in "Twilight Land," a serene place where time seems to pause, and all is tranquil. As he drifts along the roads and enjoys the enchanting environment, he arrives at the Inn of Mother Goose, where beloved characters engage in storytelling. The opening segment primarily introduces the whimsical atmosphere of this land and sets the stage for the various tales that will unfold through the voices of these familiar characters. The storytelling begins with "The Stool of Fortune," where a soldier's journey intertwines with magical elements and fate, marking the transition into a realm where wishes and adventures abound. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Twilight Land
By Howard Pyle
There is an improved edition of this title, eBook #47564
Howard Pyle was an American illustrator, painter, and author, primarily of books for young people. He was a native of Wilmington, Delaware, and he spent the last year of his life in Florence, Italy.
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