"Sam's Ghost" by W. W. Jacobs is a humorous short story written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in a darkly evocative setting, revolving around the theme of ghosts, particularly that of a troublesome waterman named Sam Bullet. Through a blend of humor and suspense, the story explores a watchman’s amusing and eerie experiences related to Sam's ghost after the waterman meets an untimely demise. The plot centers on a night-watchman who recounts his encounters with the ghost of Sam Bullet, a man who was notorious for his rowdy behavior and who drowned under dubious circumstances. After Sam's death, Joe Peel, his troublesome friend, visits the watchman with a strange request from the ghost for repayment of a loan. As the story unfolds, the watchman becomes increasingly entangled in a web of ghostly antics, deceptions, and the mishaps with Joe, culminating in a comical confrontation with fear and the supernatural. The watchman's attempt to rid himself of the ghostly worry through a deal only adds to the chaos and humor, resulting in a delightful exploration of both fear and camaraderie amidst ghostly mischief. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sam's Ghost Deep Waters, Part 4.
By W. W. (William Wymark) Jacobs
"Sam's Ghost" by W. W. Jacobs is a humorous short story written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in a darkly evocative setting, revolv...
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About the Author
William Wymark Jacobs was an English author of short fiction and drama. He is best known for his story "The Monkey's Paw".
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