"The Stolen Brain; Or, A Wonderful Crime" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the renowned detective Nick Carter and his assistant Patsy Garvan as they investigate suspicious activities surrounding a controversial surgeon named Doctor Hiram A. Grantley, who is rumored to conduct unethical surgery on both living animals and potentially, humans. With a gripping premise that explores themes of morality in the realm of medical science, readers can expect a thrilling mix of mystery and ethical dilemmas as the plot unfolds. At the start of the tale, Nick Carter is introduced alongside his assistant, who has recently taken on disguises to infiltrate a suspicious neighborhood. They are particularly focused on Dr. Grantley, a skilled yet notorious surgeon who has fallen out of favor due to his unconventional methods. As they observe strange occurrences, including the arrival of patients of dubious backgrounds and reports of unsettling experiments, they devise a plan to uncover the truth about Grantley’s practices. The narrative quickly escalates into a dangerous confrontation involving surgery, deception, and moral questions about the boundary between medical innovation and inhumane experimentation, setting an intense tone that promises to captivate readers. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Stolen Brain; Or, A Wonderful Crime
By Nicholas (House name) Carter
"The Stolen Brain; Or, A Wonderful Crime" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows the renowned de...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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Nick Carter Stories No. 158, September 18, 1915: The blue veil; or, Nick Carter's torn trail.
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New Nick Carter weekly no. 197: The little glass vial; or A beautiful blackmailer brought to bay
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