"The Mystery of M. Felix" by B. L. Farjeon is a detective novel written during the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a snowstorm in London, centering around a mysterious character known as M. Felix, with a setting that combines elements of urban life and suspense. The narrative introduces Constable Wigg and his comrade, Constable Nightingale, who find themselves embroiled in the enigma surrounding Felix shortly after a cry for help is heard late at night. At the start of the novel, a restless constable on his beat hears a cry for help amid a severe storm, prompting concern and suspicion about M. Felix, a peculiar lodger living in a nearby house. Meanwhile, the housekeeper, Mrs. Middlemore, goes out for her regular supper beer and returns to find the street door open and a strange man escaping. This incident leads to a chain of events involving the constables investigating the situation inside, where they encounter ominous signs, including bloodstains and a locked door with no response from Felix. The urgency builds as the constables, Mrs. Middlemore, and a local doctor converge to uncover the truth about the mysterious happenings surrounding M. Felix and the implications of his possible absence or misfortune. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Mystery of M. Felix
By B. L. (Benjamin Leopold) Farjeon
"The Mystery of M. Felix" by B. L. Farjeon is a detective novel written during the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a snowstorm in London, cent...
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About the Author
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon was an English novelist, playwright, printer and journalist. As an author, he was known for his huge output.
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