"Mr. Blake's Walking-Stick: A Christmas Story for Boys and Girls" by Edward Eggleston is a charming children's novel written in the early 1870s. This heartwarming tale revolves around key themes of generosity and compassion during the Christmas season, focusing on the character of Mr. Blake, a minister who deeply cares for the less fortunate in his community. The story follows Mr. Blake and his comically animated walking-stick, "Old Ebony," as they engage with various characters facing hardships, including a widow and a blind broom-maker. Through his Christmas efforts, Mr. Blake inspires his son, Willie, and the other children in his Sunday school to come together to support the needy, replacing their own desires for gifts with acts of kindness. Willie devises a plan to raise money for a sewing machine for the widow, ultimately leading to a fulfilling Christmas celebration that prioritizes giving rather than receiving. The narrative emphasizes the importance of compassion and generosity, beautifully weaving together the spirit of the holiday with lessons on caring for the less fortunate. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mr. Blake's Walking-Stick: A Christmas Story for Boys and Girls
By Edward Eggleston
"Mr. Blake's Walking-Stick: A Christmas Story for Boys and Girls" by Edward Eggleston is a charming children's novel written in the early 1870s. This ...
Edward Eggleston was an American historian and novelist.
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