"Harry's Island" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a novel written in the early 20th century. This charming story revolves around a group of boys, specifically focusing on three main characters: Chub, Roy, and Dick, who are on the brink of graduation from Ferry Hill School. As summer approaches, the friends fantasize about camping on Fox Island, planning exploits full of youthful exuberance, adventures, and budding friendships. At the start of the novel, the three boys lounge on Hood's Hill, admiring the scenery and discussing their coming separation after graduation, highlighting a sense of nostalgia mixed with excitement. The narrative introduces Harry, an adventurous girl who is as spirited and determined as the boys, further enriching the dynamics between them. As the boys plan their potential camping trip, they express a mix of hopefulness and uncertainty about the future, setting the stage for the adventures that lie ahead. The opening portion vividly captures the carefree essence of boyhood and the anticipation of new experiences, making it an engaging read for audiences who appreciate tales of friendship and youthful adventures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Harry's Island
By Ralph Henry Barbour
"Harry's Island" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a novel written in the early 20th century. This charming story revolves around a group of boys, specificall...
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About the Author
Ralph Henry Barbour was an American novelist, who primarily wrote popular works of sports fiction for boys. In collaboration with L. H. Bickford, he also wrote as Richard Stillman Powell, notably Phyllis in Bohemia. Other works included light romances and adventure.
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