"Handy Mandy in Oz" by Ruth Plumly Thompson is a fantasy novel written in the late 1930s. The book continues the beloved Oz series originally created by L. Frank Baum and features the adventures of Handy Mandy, a resourceful Goat Girl from Mt. Mern, who unexpectedly finds herself in the magical land of Oz. Accompanied by Nox, a charming Royal Ox, they embark on a whimsical journey to rescue a missing King and navigate the peculiarities of the fantastical world around them. At the start of the story, Mandy is chasing after her troublesome goat, What-a-butter, when an explosive mountain spring sends her rocketing into the sky. When she lands, she finds herself at a magnificent castle in Keretaria, where she meets Nox, the Royal Ox of the realm. The two quickly bond as they learn about the mysterious disappearance of King Kerry and the unfair treatment of the kingdom under its new ruler. The opening chapters set the stage for an engaging mix of humor, adventure, and enchanting characters as they embark on a quest filled with unexpected encounters, both friendly and hostile, in the vibrant land of Oz. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Handy Mandy in Oz
By Ruth Plumly Thompson
"Handy Mandy in Oz" by Ruth Plumly Thompson is a fantasy novel written in the late 1930s. The book continues the beloved Oz series originally created ...
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About the Author
Ruth Plumly Thompson was an American writer of children's stories, best known for writing many novels placed in Oz, the fictional land of L. Frank Baum's classic children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequels.
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