"The Millionaire Baby" by Anna Katharine Green is a novel written in the early 20th century. This intriguing story centers around the sudden abduction of a wealthy couple's daughter, Gwendolen, also known as the "Millionaire Baby," who has been kidnapped from her home, leaving her frantic parents desperate for her safe return. The narrative unfolds as various characters, including a private detective, find themselves entangled in the search for the missing girl amid a backdrop of wealth, societal expectations, and unexpected twists. At the start of the novel, the protagonist is introduced as a man who has been experiencing a string of bad luck but suddenly sees an opportunity for fortune when he learns about the kidnapping of Gwendolen Ocumpaugh. He is driven not only by the handsome reward offered for her recovery but also by a sense of duty as he reflects on his prior interactions with the Ocumpaugh family. As the plot unfolds, details surrounding the child's mysterious disappearance are revealed, including a series of frantic searches by both the family and the police. Gwendolen's wealthy parents are depicted as deeply affected by the crisis, with hints of intrigue and conspiracy regarding her fate, as different characters' motives and connections begin to intertwine, setting the stage for a suspenseful investigation that explores themes of love, desperation, and moral dilemmas. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Millionaire Baby
By Anna Katharine Green
"The Millionaire Baby" by Anna Katharine Green is a novel written in the early 20th century. This intriguing story centers around the sudden abduction...
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About the Author
Anna Katharine Green was an American poet and novelist. She was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate stories. Green has been called "the mother of the detective novel".
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