"Red Pepper's Patients" by Grace S. Richmond is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Dr. Redfield Pepper Burns, a compassionate and dedicated village doctor, as he navigates the complexities of his medical practice and personal life. Central to the narrative are various patients, including a destitute Hungarian musician and a young woman named Anne Linton, each presenting unique challenges that call upon the doctor's skills and emotional resilience. The opening of the novel introduces readers to the bustling atmosphere of Dr. Burns's office, filled with a diverse mix of patients awaiting his attention. Among them, a young girl with burn bandages offers a glimpse into the doctor’s caring nature, as does his tumultuous friendship with Gardner Coolidge, who seeks personal advice while dealing with marital issues. The story sets the stage for deeper explorations of relationships, both professional and personal, highlighting themes of compassion, healing, and the human condition, as Dr. Burns balances the demands of his medical duties with the nuances of his life at home. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Red Pepper's Patients With an Account of Anne Linton's Case in Particular
By Grace S. (Grace Smith) Richmond
"Red Pepper's Patients" by Grace S. Richmond is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Dr. Redfield Pepper Burns, a comp...
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About the Author
Grace S. Richmond was an American romance novelist known for writing On Christmas Day in the Morning and for creating the Dr. R.P. Burns series. Her father was American author and Baptist clergyman, Charles Edward Smith.
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