"The Pirate of Panama: A Tale of the Fight for Buried Treasure" by William MacLeod Raine is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around John Sedgwick, a young, restless lawyer, who becomes embroiled in a thrilling quest for buried treasure after coming into possession of a mysterious map connected to a group of pirates. Along the way, he encounters a beautiful young woman, Miss Evelyn Wallace, who shares a complicated familial connection to the treasure and a darkly intriguing cousin, Boris Bothwell, who seeks to claim it for himself. The opening of the tale introduces John Sedgwick on a dreary morning as he grapples with the monotony of his legal job. His fortunes change when he finds a yellowed scrap of paper containing a treasure map that ignites his adventurous spirit. This moment is punctuated by a dramatic scene involving a confrontation with a young woman in distress and her aggressive cousin, hinting at deeper conflicts ahead. As the story unfolds, Sedgwick, alongside Miss Wallace, becomes embroiled in a series of dangerous encounters regarding the treasure, including confrontations with both pirates from the past and the menacing Bothwell in the present, setting the stage for an adventurous narrative of pursuit, danger, and the pursuit of fortune. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Pirate of Panama: A Tale of the Fight for Buried Treasure
By William MacLeod Raine
"The Pirate of Panama: A Tale of the Fight for Buried Treasure" by William MacLeod Raine is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revol...
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About the Author
William MacLeod Raine was a British-born American novelist who wrote fictional adventure stories about the American Old West.
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