"The Bond of Black" by William Le Queux is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story explores the dark undercurrents of modern life in London, focusing on themes of love, self-sacrifice, and the potential for hidden evil within society. The protagonist, Clifton Cleeve, recounts his strange and troubling encounters, particularly his fascination with a mysterious woman named Aline Cloud, whose beauty and presence seem to carry an ominous influence. At the start of the novel, Clifton Cleeve describes the loneliness and weariness he feels living in London, leading to an unexpected encounter with Aline Cloud, a woman of striking beauty who appears to be lost and in distress. Their interaction reveals that Aline harbors a deep sense of danger surrounding her existence, claiming a cursed nature that brings misfortune to those she befriends. As Clifton becomes increasingly drawn to her, he witnesses strange occurrences that further hint at her dark influence, such as the spontaneous destruction of religious artifacts in her presence. The opening sets the stage for a gripping narrative filled with mystery, morality, and the complexities of love intertwined with supernatural elements. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Bond of Black
By William Le Queux
"The Bond of Black" by William Le Queux is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story explores the dark undercurrents of modern life in Londo...
William Tufnell Le Queux was an Anglo-French journalist and writer. He was also a diplomat, a traveller, a flying buff who officiated at the first British air meeting at Doncaster in 1909, and a wireless pioneer who broadcast music from his own station long before radio was generally available; his claims regarding his own abilities and exploits, however, were usually exaggerated. His best-known works are the anti-French and anti-Russian invasion fantasy The Great War in England in 1897 (1894) and the anti-German invasion fantasy The Invasion of 1910 (1906), the latter becoming a bestseller.