"Andiron Tales" by John Kendrick Bangs is a children’s fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young boy named Tom, who embarks on whimsical adventures alongside two anthropomorphic Andirons from his fireplace. Set against the backdrop of a magical realm where inanimate objects can converse and journey to fantastical locations, the narrative explores themes of imagination and self-discovery through playful dialogue and humorous escapades. At the start of the tale, Tom enjoys a cozy evening by the fireplace, where his beloved Andirons surprise him by coming to life and engaging him in light-hearted banter. They comically debate whether he is a "Dormouse" or a "boy" and eventually invite him to join them on an adventure. As the opening unfolds, Tom’s curiosity leads him to accept their offer, spurring the beginning of an imaginative journey that promises encounters with various whimsical characters and marvels of the universe. The initial chapters introduce the playful tone of the story, laying the groundwork for Tom's exploration into the enchanting landscapes of his imagination. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Andiron Tales
By John Kendrick Bangs
"Andiron Tales" by John Kendrick Bangs is a children’s fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young boy named Tom, who e...
John Kendrick Bangs was an American writer, humorist, editor and satirist.
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