"The Day of the Dog" by George Barr McCutcheon is a comedic novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a humorous and somewhat absurd encounter between a lawyer, Mr. Crosby, and a stubborn bulldog named Swallow while he seeks to secure a signature from Mrs. Delancy on estate-related documents. The plot unfolds in a rural setting, highlighting themes of deception, misunderstandings, and social class interactions. The narrative follows Crosby as he travels to meet Mrs. Delancy at her brother-in-law's farm to finalize legal matters concerning her husband's estate. Upon arrival, he encounters Swallow, a fierce bulldog who guards the barn and prevents him from accessing the house. In a series of escalating comedic events, Crosby finds himself trapped and forced to engage with the dog, while simultaneously attempting to persuade Mrs. Delancy to reconsider her decision to abandon the legal claim to the estate. As the story progresses, the absurdity culminates in both characters finding themselves in a predicament that ultimately leads to unexpected revelations, personal growth, and a budding romance amidst the chaos. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Day of the Dog
By George Barr McCutcheon
"The Day of the Dog" by George Barr McCutcheon is a comedic novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a humorous and s...
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About the Author
George Barr McCutcheon was an American popular novelist and playwright. His best known works include a series of novels set in Graustark, a fictional East European country, and the novel Brewster's Millions, which was adapted into a play and several films.
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