"The Dove in the Eagle's Nest" by Charlotte M. Yonge is a historical novel set in the late 19th century, reflecting on the complexities of life in 15th century Germany. The narrative focuses primarily on the story of Christina Sorel, a young girl who is raised in a cultured environment by her uncle and aunt but is forced to leave her home to care for a sick lady at a rough castle named Adlerstein. The opening of the book introduces readers to a richly detailed setting filled with artistic expressions, from the descriptions of workshop intricacies to the historical backdrop of power struggles among German nobles. Christina's tender and delicate character contrasts sharply with the harsh realities of her new home, where she encounters brutal and coarse influences. As she arrives at the castle, she finds herself within an environment that starkly contrasts her sheltered upbringing, revealing the challenges she will face as she navigates her duty to care for the frail Ermentrude, the castle's mistress. The dynamic among the characters, particularly the tension between her noble lineage and her fatherβs brutish nature, establishes a compelling narrative of duty, compassion, and cultural clash. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Dove in the Eagle's Nest
By Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary) Yonge
"The Dove in the Eagle's Nest" by Charlotte M. Yonge is a historical novel set in the late 19th century, reflecting on the complexities of life in 15t...
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About the Author
Charlotte Mary Yonge was an English novelist, who wrote in the service of the church. Her abundant books helped to spread the influence of the Oxford Movement and showed her keen interest in matters of public health and sanitation.
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