"Bound to Rise; Or, Up the Ladder" by Horatio Alger, Jr. is a classic novel written in the late 19th century that embodies the themes of striving for success and the pursuit of a better life. The story follows young Harry Walton, a determined boy who, despite his family's poverty, seeks to improve his circumstances through hard work and education. The novel captures the spirit of American optimism during that era, reflecting the belief that anyone can rise to achieve their dreams with perseverance and effort. At the start of the book, we meet the Walton family, deeply affected by financial struggles, particularly the loss of their only cow, which threatens their already tenuous livelihood. As the story introduces us to Harry, it highlights his caring nature and ambition, revealing his desire to help his family. After the cow's demise, Harry decides to leave home to seek work that can support his family financially, inspired by the life of Benjamin Franklin. This decision to strike out into the world sets the stage for his journey, filled with encounters that test his resolve and moral fortitude as he seeks to carve out a successful path for himself. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Bound to Rise; Or, Up the Ladder
By Horatio Alger
"Bound to Rise; Or, Up the Ladder" by Horatio Alger, Jr. is a classic novel written in the late 19th century that embodies the themes of striving for ...
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About the Author
Horatio Alger Jr. was an American author who wrote young adult novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to middle-class security and comfort through good works. His writings were characterized by the "rags-to-riches" narrative, which had a formative effect on the United States from 1868 through to his death in 1899.
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