"The Times Red Cross Story Book" by Various is a collection of short stories likely written during the early 20th century. The anthology features narratives from renowned novelists who served in His Majesty's Forces, showcasing various themes related to the experiences of soldiers during wartime. The collection aims to raise funds for the sick and wounded, indicating its humanitarian purpose during a time of conflict. The opening portion of the book begins with "Dimoussi and the Pistol" by A. E. W. Mason, introducing us to a young boy named Dimoussi who is dissatisfied with his life in a rural Moroccan village. Feeling the pull of adventure, Dimoussi leaves his home with a stolen pistol, eager to explore the world beyond the barren plains. As he arrives in Mequinez, he grapples with hunger and quickly learns the realities of city life, and he begins to dream of greater ambitions, including the idea of starting a holy war due to the perceived overreach of Europeans in Morocco. The narrative sets the stage for a coming-of-age journey, filled with intrigue and cultural tension, as Dimoussi embarks on his quest for identity and purpose. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Times Red Cross Story Book by Famous Novelists Serving in His Majesty's Forces
By Various
"The Times Red Cross Story Book" by Various is a collection of short stories likely written during the early 20th century. The anthology features narr...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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