"Peace on Earth, Good-Will to Dogs" by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott is a charming Christmas-themed novel, likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the joys and adventures associated with Christmas and the whimsical antics of dogs, particularly focusing on a group of canine companions and their human friend, Flame Nourice. It highlights themes of kindness, community, and the importance of companionship during the holiday season. The narrative follows young Flame as she discovers a new family of dogs residing in the mysterious Rattle-Pane House and decides to throw a Christmas party for them. Throughout her journey, she experiences various encounters, mingles with eccentric characters including a butler and a Lay Reader, and reflects on her desire to create a unique Christmas experience. The story unfolds with delightful humor and warmth as Flame's well-meaning schemes evolve into an unexpectedly chaotic and joyful celebration, culminating in the arrival of snow on Christmas night, symbolizing peace and joy for all. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Peace on Earth, Good-will to Dogs
By Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
"Peace on Earth, Good-Will to Dogs" by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott is a charming Christmas-themed novel, likely written in the early 20th century. The st...
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About the Author
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott was an American writer. She was a frequent contributor to The Ladies' Home Journal.
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