"The Man Without a Memory" by Arthur W. Marchmont is a novel written in the early 20th century. This gripping story revolves around a protagonist, Jack Lancaster, who becomes entangled in espionage during World War I after surviving a sinking ship. He assumes the identity of a man named Johann Lassen, who has disappeared and is engaged to another woman, Rosa, while he searches for his true love, Nessa. At the start of the narrative, Jack recounts his thrilling and harrowing experience as a pilot in the war, leading up to his near-fatal accident which brings him into conflict with the German authorities. After surviving an explosion on the ship "Burgen", he finds himself mistaken for Lassen in a hospital in Rotterdam. As he plans to search for Nessa, who is reported missing in Germany, he cleverly crafts a plot to impersonate Lassen. This engaging opening sets the stage for a tale filled with deception, tension, and the desperate quest to rescue a loved one from danger amid the swirling chaos of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Man Without a Memory
By Arthur W. Marchmont
"The Man Without a Memory" by Arthur W. Marchmont is a novel written in the early 20th century. This gripping story revolves around a protagonist, Jac...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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