"Ann Boyd: A Novel" by Will N. Harben is a literary fiction piece written in the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around Ann Boyd, a strong-willed woman facing the scorn of her community after a past scandal and her subsequent struggles against social ostracism. It delves into themes of pride, resilience, and the desire for acceptance amidst betrayal and public humiliation. The opening of the story introduces Ann Boyd as she interacts with her neighbor, Mrs. Waycroft, reflecting on the recent events at church where she was publicly shamed by the local preacher, Brother Bazemore. Ann's anger and frustration are palpable as she grapples with her outcast status in the community following an incident from her past that continues to haunt her. We learn about her bitter history with Chester, a former admirer, and her subsequent life challenges, including her loneliness and economic independence. Ann is resolute in her disdain for the hypocrisy around her, showcasing her fierce spirit and determination to assert her rights and reclaim her dignity despite years of hardship and judgment from those she once considered friends. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Ann Boyd: A Novel
By Will N. (Will Nathaniel) Harben
"Ann Boyd: A Novel" by Will N. Harben is a literary fiction piece written in the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around Ann Boyd, a strong-...
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About the Author
William Nathaniel Harben was an American writer active in the early 20th century. He specialized in stories about the people of the mountains of Northern Georgia. He was sometimes credited as Will N. Harben or Will Harben.
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