"Galactic Patrol" by E. E. Smith is a science fiction novel written in the late 1930s. The story is set in a future where a prestigious organization known as the Galactic Patrol trains young men to become elite law enforcers equipped with a powerful device called the Lens, which grants them extraordinary abilities and responsibilities. The main character, Kimball Kinnison, is among the graduates preparing to take on the challenges of maintaining peace in a vast galaxy teeming with danger. At the start of the narrative, we find ourselves at Wentworth Hall, the impressive training facility of the Galactic Patrol, where graduates are about to receive their Lens and be officially inducted into the ranks. A sense of tension and anticipation fills the air as the young men, including Kinnison and his friends, prepare to face the commandant, known for his strict discipline. As Kinnison and his classmates take their oaths and receive the Lens, they begin to grasp the immense responsibilities that come with their new powers. The opening portion intricately sets the stage for an epic adventure filled with space battles, moral dilemmas, and the challenge to uphold justice across the galaxy. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Galactic Patrol
By E. E. (Edward Elmer) Smith
"Galactic Patrol" by E. E. Smith is a science fiction novel written in the late 1930s. The story is set in a future where a prestigious organization k...
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About the Author
Edward Elmer Smith was an American food engineer and science-fiction author, best known for the Lensman and Skylark series. He is sometimes called the father of space opera.
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