"The High School Boys in Summer Camp" by H. Irving Hancock is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. This adventure story follows a group of high school boys, specifically Dick Prescott and his friends, as they embark on a summer camping trip filled with camaraderie, youthful antics, and unexpected challenges. The beginning of the novel introduces the characters as they prepare to sell their beloved canoe to fund their camping trip. Dick Prescott emerges as a confident and determined leader, eager to achieve the best price for the canoe. While he sets out to make the sale, his friends engage in discussions about their dwindling funds and summer plans, revealing their individual personalities and the group's close-knit dynamic. The plot hints at future adventures as they navigate various challenges, including the mystery of an eccentric stranger and the excitement of their camping escapades. Overall, this opening sets the stage for a summer of exploration, friendship, and the trials that come with youthful exuberance. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The High School Boys in Summer Camp
By H. Irving (Harrie Irving) Hancock
"The High School Boys in Summer Camp" by H. Irving Hancock is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. This adventure story follows a group o...
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About the Author
Harrie Irving Hancock was an American chemist and writer, mainly remembered as an author of children's literature and juveniles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and as having written a fictional depiction of a German invasion of the United States.
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