"Mistress Wilding" by Rafael Sabatini is a historical novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Anthony Wilding, a sophisticated gentleman caught in a tense social situation involving a duel with Richard Westmacott, whose brash actions have led to a dramatic confrontation. The novel explores themes of honor, love, and the complexities of interpersonal relationships within a richly detailed historical setting. The opening of "Mistress Wilding" presents a lavish dinner party at Lord Gervase's home, where tensions rise after a drunken Richard Westmacott assaults Mr. Wilding by throwing wine in his face during a toast. The ensuing dialogue reveals the characters’ dynamics, particularly Wilding's complex feelings towards Richard's sister, Ruth, whom he is courting. As Richard's bravado increases, he unwittingly sets the stage for a duel that could have serious consequences for all involved. The narrative captures both the social mores of the period and the rising stakes as relationships threaten to spiral into violence, foreshadowing deeper conflicts that will unfold as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mistress Wilding
By Rafael Sabatini
"Mistress Wilding" by Rafael Sabatini is a historical novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Anthony Wilding, a sop...
Rafael Sabatini was an Italian-born British writer of romance and adventure novels.
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