"The Maroon" by Captain Mayne Reid is a novel written in the mid-19th century. Set against the backdrop of Jamaica, the story revolves around life on a sugar estate called Mount Welcome, exploring themes of colonialism, slavery, and the supernatural. The narrative likely follows characters such as Loftus Vaughan, the estate's proprietor, and emphasizes the cultural and social tensions inherent to this historical setting. The opening of the book introduces Mount Welcome, detailing its lush surroundings and the great house, which serves as both a home and a symbol of power. We witness a vivid description of the estate's environment, which is steeped in beauty yet shadowed by the darker aspects of its history, including human sacrifices at the nearby Jumbe Rock and the practice of Obeah, a form of African folk magic. The narrative quickly establishes a tense atmosphere as Loftus Vaughan prepares for a trial against the myal-man, Chakra, who is accused of using Obeah. This trial, alongside the introduction of the estate's domestics and their interactions with Vaughan's daughter, hints at a layered conflict that will unfold throughout the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Maroon
By Mayne Reid
"The Maroon" by Captain Mayne Reid is a novel written in the mid-19th century. Set against the backdrop of Jamaica, the story revolves around life on ...
Thomas Mayne Reid was a British novelist who fought in the Mexican–American War (1846–1848). His many works on American life describe colonial policy in the American colonies, the horrors of slave labour, and the lives of American Indians. "Captain" Reid wrote adventure novels akin to those by Frederick Marryat (1792-1848), and Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894). They were set mainly in the American West, Mexico, South Africa, the Himalayas, and Jamaica. He was an admirer of Lord Byron. His novel Quadroon (1856), an anti-slavery work, was later adapted as a play entitled The Octoroon (1859) by Dion Boucicault and produced in New York.