"Old Mary" by Louis Becke is a short story written in the early 20th century. The narrative centers around the life of Mary Eury, a remarkable old woman who recounts her tragic yet resilient life story to a visiting supercargo named Denison. The book elegantly explores themes of memory, loss, and the indomitable spirit of a woman who has faced a variety of adversities throughout her life in the South Seas. In the tale, Mary shares her harrowing experiences, beginning with her survival from a shipwreck at the tender age of five, and continuing through her tumultuous life filled with love, loss, and heartache. She speaks of her marriage to Robert Eury, their adventures, the devastating loss of their children to smallpox, and the subsequent pirate attacks that took her husband’s life. Throughout her storytelling, Mary's strength and unwavering resolve shine through as she reflects on her past, her loyalty to those she loved, and her acceptance of her current solitude on the island. The richly woven narrative not only paints a vivid picture of Mary’s life but also serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit amidst hardship. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
"Old Mary" 1901
By Louis Becke
"Old Mary" by Louis Becke is a short story written in the early 20th century. The narrative centers around the life of Mary Eury, a remarkable old wom...
George Lewis Becke was at the turn of the nineteenth century, the most prolific, significant, and internationally renowned Australian-born writer of the South Pacific region. Having lived and worked among Pacific Islands and Islanders as a trader, ship's supercargo, and villager for some two decades, learning languages and observing natural and cultural life, Becke was prompted by J F Archibald of The Bulletin to write down his experiences, eventually becoming a popular and respected author of short stories, novellas, novels, as well as historic and ethnographic works.