"Through Apache Land" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a historical adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Tom Hardynge, a skilled scout and borderer, as he navigates the treacherous territory of Arizona amidst a brewing conflict with the Apaches. Hardynge's quest is driven by his need to deliver urgent news about an impending uprising, and he must rely on his cunning and bravery to avoid being captured. The opening portion introduces us to Tom Hardynge as he stealthily maneuvers down the Rio Gila in a canoe, aware that his life hangs in the balance due to the hostile Apache warriors in pursuit. It sets the stage for tension and high stakes, as he has just learned that the Apaches are on alert for his presence. As he engages in a strategic ruse to evade detection, he faces immediate threats, including a skirmish with an Apache warrior and subsequent attempts to escape capture. The scene paints a vivid picture of the dangers of the frontier, hinting at the relentless pursuit by the Apaches and the broader conflict between settlers and indigenous peoples in the Southwest. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Through Apache Land
By Edward Sylvester Ellis
"Through Apache Land" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a historical adventure novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Tom Hardynge, a sk...
Edward Sylvester Ellis was an American author.
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