"Warrior of Two Worlds" by Manly Wade Wellman is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story begins with the protagonist, Yandro, awakening on a strange planet called Dondromogon after being drawn from his home on Earth. As he navigates his new reality, he learns he is destined to lead the inhabitants of Dondromogon in their struggle against invaders known as the Newcomers. The opening of the novel introduces Yandro's disorientation as he wakes in a dust storm, experiencing a mysterious voice asserting that he has been brought to Dondromogon for a vital purpose. He finds himself amid tension, intrigue, and an immediate conflict involving the military of Dondromogon, where he is accused of being a spy. As Yandro contends with his lost memory and struggles to assert his identity, he is caught between two forces: those who believe in his destiny and those who are skeptical of his claims. This sets the stage for a tale of adventure, leadership, and the exploration of memory and identity as he seeks to define his role in the unfolding battle. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Warrior of Two Worlds
By Manly Wade Wellman
"Warrior of Two Worlds" by Manly Wade Wellman is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story begins with the protagonist, Yandr...
Manly Wade Wellman was an American writer. While his science fiction and fantasy stories appeared in such pulps as Astounding Stories, Startling Stories, Unknown and Strange Stories, Wellman is best remembered as one of the most popular contributors to the legendary Weird Tales and for his fantasy and horror stories set in the Appalachian Mountains, which draw on the native folklore of that region. Karl Edward Wagner referred to him as "the dean of fantasy writers." Wellman also wrote in a wide variety of other genres, including historical fiction, detective fiction, western fiction, juvenile fiction, and non-fiction.