"The Substance of a Dream" by F. W. Bain is a novel written in the early 20th century. This enchanting tale intertwines elements of love and mythology, exploring the complexities of desire and the emotional landscape of its characters. The story primarily revolves around Shatrunjaya, a lute-player and prince, who is on a quest to find a mystical woman from his dreams, ultimately leading him to encounter TáráwalĂ, a unique queen entangled in themes of love, beauty, and self-discovery. The opening of the novel introduces us to a reflective and poetic narrative style, setting the stage for Shatrunjaya's internal struggles and desires. It begins with a philosophical exploration of love, juxtaposing the fleeting beauty of dreams with the harshness of reality. As Shatrunjaya wanders through a dreamlike landscape, he reminisces about a vivid dream featuring a beautiful woman, followed by his determination to find her in the real world. This quest leads him to an encounter with TáráwalĂ, where he grapples with his overwhelming emotions and the realization that their connection may transcend the ordinary existence, blending the line between dream and reality. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Substance of a Dream
By F. W. (Francis William) Bain
"The Substance of a Dream" by F. W. Bain is a novel written in the early 20th century. This enchanting tale intertwines elements of love and mythology...
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About the Author
Francis William Bain was a British writer of fantasy stories that he claimed were translated from Sanskrit.
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