"By Birth a Lady" by George Manville Fenn is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a rural setting, focusing on a variety of characters, including Mr. Tiddson, a parish doctor, and a young gentleman who has suffered an accident while out with the hounds. As the narrative progresses, it hints at themes of social class, relationships, and personal struggles, with indications that the main protagonist will navigate complexities of identity and circumstance. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Mr. Tiddson, who observes the treatment of a pony while discussing an accident involving a gentleman who has fallen from his horse. The urgency of the doctor’s call indicates the seriousness of the situation as he rushes to attend to the injured man at a local inn. Meanwhile, varied interactions between characters reveal the social dynamics of the community, foreshadowing the potential romantic entanglements and societal expectations to come. As Tiddson and others work to uncover the identity of the gentleman, the groundwork is laid for further explorations of character relationships and moral dilemmas. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Birth a Lady
By George Manville Fenn
"By Birth a Lady" by George Manville Fenn is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a rural setting, focusing on a variety of ...
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About the Author
George Manville Fenn was a prolific English novelist, journalist, editor and educationalist. Many of his novels were written with young adults in mind. His final book was his biography of a fellow writer for juveniles, George Alfred Henty.
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