"The Man Without a Conscience; Or, From Rogue to Convict" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Nick Carter, a renowned detective, who is invited to assist in solving a series of bold highway robberies occurring in and around Boston. As he navigates various interactions with law enforcement and potential suspects, the narrative suggests themes of deception, cunning, and the pursuit of justice. At the start of the novel, Nick Carter arrives at the Boston police department and quickly gets involved in investigating a recent robbery where two women were held up by a mysterious gang. The encounter is not only characterized by Carter's inquisitive nature but also accentuated by an unexpected twist when Carter himself becomes a victim of a hold-up on his way to interview the robbery victims. Following this, the narrative delves into his meetings with suspects, including Madame Victoria, a psychic and aunt of one of the robbery victims, who presents an intriguing mix of suspicion and supernatural claim, setting the stage for unfolding complexities in Carter's pursuit of the truth. This beginning establishes a gripping premise filled with tension, making it an engaging read for fans of classic mystery and detective fiction. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Man Without a Conscience; Or, From Rogue to Convict
By Nicholas (House name) Carter
"The Man Without a Conscience; Or, From Rogue to Convict" by Nicholas Carter is a detective novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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